That's not my name.
Hi, I am CG
I am short. Asian. and money-less
I live in a little red dot.
I LUV pastamania
and shopping.
I have many hobbies, though i never stick to any of them.

Scream till your voice go hoarse.
Chuck in your tagboard here.
Max width 250.

Balloons flying away.
Kayla rocks your pants. Oh, look! Your pants is full of rocks with Kayla's name on them! I know you're a fan of me. Thank you! :D

Yes, thank you.

}Sunday, July 18, 2010

haha sry for that weird post(:
}Monday, June 28, 2010

Hey Everyone!

I'm no longer going to blog anymore ;)

just to let those who still view my blog know.

Unless i suddenly feel like blogging again, the archives will still remain, but it will be a dead blog.

check back every year or so! i may just start blogging again! (though probably not)

so.... it was nice knowing you blog(:

Until next time.

}Saturday, June 5, 2010

hehehee... i know i haven't blogged in ages!!! and i don't think i have a tagboard...haha that will get fixed up soon! anyway ROCS WAS FUNN! i don't feel like explaining everythingggggg, if i can even remember it. haha...

anyway, just came back from PB EX-camp!!!! whee!!
k, i talk about internal camp first..


we had the usual ice breakers + wet games + worship + sharing + training.... and all the mass games!!! though waking up at 4am in the morning to extremely bright lights and GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE! was a bit of a ..... downish side... haha but the night games and 'military training' were cool(:

and then we played more games and then came our GROUP PERFORMANCE!!! (Don't Stop Believing!)

lol. it was more fun practicing for the dance/song then the actual performance haha.

yeah.. then EX-CAMP!

other prefects came from.... PLMG, CGS, ACS (B), ACSI, SJI, HWC, RI, RGS..... and then we played more wet games where we got even wetter=.= and then more group performances... to..... BABY! haha stupid song is stuck in my head =.=

yeah... i. need. rest. so TTYL!


}Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I am a third grade teacher.

Most kids come in with notes or messages written by their mothers in their lunch sacks.

One little girl's dad left, and her mother abuses drugs. But her 12 year old brother never fails to write "I love you" on her brown paper bag.


Awwww, isn't that sweeeet? haha. i was all over GMH and LGMH and this was my favourite((((:


haha. went to the tailor with aly after school(: we spent a looong time trying to get the tailor to understand what we were saying LOL.

for the next month its no more studying and FUNNN!


its not even EOYs. pssh

}Sunday, May 2, 2010

3 days to the start of Cts and 9 days to the end!!!!!! ZOMG, I CAN'T WAIT!!!! its going to be FUN FUN FUN!!!! and i can order more F21 STUFFFF!!!! AND ROCS!!!! AND MOVIES!!! AND.... beach outings? haha. I love the beach!!!! with the SUN! and get a TAN! and yeah....... back to studyinggggggg..... pssh.
}Thursday, April 22, 2010

Just came back from Squash finals!!!! HAHA. WE WON!!! YAY!!! I'm so high, not just because of the game though. LOL. the bus ride was AWESOME! oooo singalongs!!!! and and and taking pics at the concourse. AND JUMPING!!! haha, gtg now.... TTYL!
}Saturday, April 17, 2010

Life is going too fast.
Too fast to capture all the happy memories.
Too fast to think about what you are actually doing.
Too fast to make proper decisions.

I don't need to go back in time, i just want to freeze it.